CMPT-439 Numerical Computation

CMPT-439 Numerical Computation


Last updated: Fall 2024




Lecture Notes:



Lecture 1. Introduction. Types of Errors                                               pptx pdf


Lecture 2. Solving Nonlinear Equations. Bisection Method               pptx pdf



Lecture 3. Solving Nonlinear Eqs. Secant and False Position Methods  pptx pdf


Lecture 4. Solving Nonlinear Equations. Newton’s Method                pptx pdf


Lectures 5. Solving Sets of Linear Equations. Introduction.

                     Cramer’s Rule                                                              pptx pdf


 Lecture 6. Solving Sets of Linear Equations. Directed Elimination   pptx pdf


Lecture 7. Solving Sets of Linear Equations. Iterative Methods.         pptx pdf


Lecture 8. Interpolation. Interpolating Polynomials                             pptx pdf


Lecture 9. Numerical Differentiation                                                    pptx pdf


Lecture 10. Numerical Integration                                                         pptx pdf


Lecture 11. Intro to Optimization                                                           pptx pdf


Lecture 12. Fourier Transform and Walsh Transform                       pptx pdf


Lecture 13. Fast Walsh Transform and

        Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms                                  pptx pdf