Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Last updated: Spring 2024




Lecture Notes:


Lecture 1. Introduction to Neural Networks and Learning Systems   pptx pdf


Lecture 2. McCulloch-Pitts Neuron. Hebbian Learning                  pptx pdf


Lecture 3. Linear Separability. Threshold Neuron.

      Error-Correction Learning. Perceptron.                             pptx pdf


Lecture 4. The simplest feedforward Neural Network and

      XOR problem. Hopfield Neural Network                            pptx pdf


Lecture 5. Sigmoid Activation Function.

      Feedforward Neural Network (MLP-MLF)                        pptx pdf


Lecture 6. Error Backpropagation. MLP-MLF Learning Algorithm pptx pdf


Lecture 7.   Pattern Recognition. Classification. Learning Strategies.

Validation of Learning Results                                        pptx pdf


Lecture 8. Support Vector Machine (SVM)                                           pptx pdf


Lecture 9. Complex-Valued Neurons. Multi-Valued Neuron

   and its Error-Correction Learning                                                   pptx pdf


Lecture 10. Multilayer Neural Network with

      Multi-Valued Neurons. Derivative-Free Learning              pptx pdf


Lecture 11. MLMVN with Soft Margins.

Multi-Valued Neuron with a Periodic Activation Function.                pptx pdf


Lecture 12. Time Series Prediction                                                         pptx pdf


Lecture 13. Batch Learning                                                                     pptx pdf


Lecture 14. Deep Learning. Auotoencoding.

        Convolutional Neural Networks                                          pptx pdf


Lecture 15. Unsupervised Learning. Clustering Techniques                pptx pdf